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  • Do you get paid for reviews?
    CCC Culture does not accept monetary payments for strain or product reviews, but we do accept free samples and merchandise. If you're a site member, you can request a review and we'll respond as soon as possible. Not a member? Signing up is free and easy.
  • Why are videos showing errors when I'm viewing content? uses Google Drive to embed videos, and Google Drive files use 3rd-party cookies behind the scenes. Your browser may be blocking 3rd-party cookies, which would lead to you seeing blank space or an error where the videos would appear in a review or news story. To resolve this, you can try viewing in another browser, or you can enable 3rd-party cookies (sometimes called "cross-site tracking") in your browser's privacy settings: In Safari, go to Preferences → Privacy and uncheck "Prevent cross-site tracking" In Firefox, go to Preferences → Privacy & Security. Under Enhanced Tracking Protection, select Custom, then uncheck Cookies In Chrome, go to Preferences → Privacy and security → Cookies and other site data and select Allow all cookies After making the change, refresh your browser. Contact us if you still have issues.
  • The videos on the site look fuzzy, or low resolution?
    We use Google Drive to host videos, and you can change the resolution. Sometimes videos are set to 360p by default, but changing to 1080p will show videos clearly in high definition.
  • How can I help CCC Culture?
    CCC Culture is a small, locally owned business that can always use some community assistance as we grow. Please contact us for advertising, sponsorship, and partnership opportunities. The merch shop is another great way to support our efforts. The more we grow, the more we'll look to reinvesting it back into the community in the form of events and increased community content. Any and all support is GREATLY appreciated!
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