CCC Culture via Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED)
Nov 25, 2023
Products reached over 75 dispensaries over the course of 3 years
On November 16, 2023, the Colorado Department of Revenue and the Department of Public Health and Environment issued a Health and Safety Advisory due to unsafe levels of mold and yeast found on marijuana produced by Angel Farms, LLC and Boone Farms, LLC, both in Pueblo County. The contaminated batches from Angel Farms, sold between February 11, 2022, and September 4, 2023, initially passed testing but failed upon retesting. The contaminated harvest batches from Boone Farms were sold to consumers between November 13, 2020, and July 28, 2023.
The MED says that consumers who bought this affected marijuana should either destroy it or return it to the store for proper disposal (good luck and God bless if you're still smoking on batches from November 2020, or even July 2023 for that matter). In all seriousness, the delayed dispersement of this information is a major problem that needs to be addressed before it leads to a greater tragedy.
If anyone experiences negative health effects from consuming these products, they should seek medical help and report the incident to the Marijuana Enforcement Division. Identify affected batches by checking for specific license and harvest batch numbers on the label. The list of locations where the affected product was sold is available in the advisory.