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New Colorado Law Allows Online Payments for Cannabis Products

Originally Reported by Eleanor Sheahan of KOAA News5

Aug 4, 2023

People over 21 can pay for weed online

In a surprising development given recent issues with SAFE Banking, the state of Colorado is set to implement a new law that could revolutionize the way people purchase medical and recreational marijuana. Commencing on Monday, House Bill 23-1279 will enable individuals to make online transactions for cannabis products, streamlining the buying process. However, one key caveat remains: customers will still need to physically visit the store to collect their orders.

The legislation specifically grants licensed retail marijuana establishments the authority to accept online payments for both retail marijuana and its assorted products. While some medical cannabis dispensaries in Southern Colorado have already ventured into the realm of online ordering, until now, in-person payments upon pickup have been the norm.

As of next week, all that is set to change. Customers will be able to conveniently browse through various cannabis offerings on the virtual platform, with the added ease of completing their purchases online. Once the transaction is complete, dispensaries will diligently prepare the order for hassle-free customer pickup. The process is simple: buyers can readily select their desired products, verify their age and identity with valid IDs upon collection, and voilà! Their pre-purchased cannabis products will be good to go.

This bold step towards digitizing marijuana commerce marks a significant shift in Colorado's approach to the marijuana industry. By combining the convenience of online shopping with the requirement for in-store pickups, the state is aiming to strike a balance between accessibility and regulatory compliance.

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