Strain: Animal Mintz
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Indica
Genetics: Animal Cookies x Girl Scout Cookies x Blue Power
Aroma (in jar and ground up): In the container, this batch of Animal Mintz reeks of sweetness, like melons and strawberries, with a lavender undertone. I started smelling it getting louder the moment I broke it apart. Grinding it up brought out the gassy smells in full effect. Full aromatic profile.
Taste: More flowery, like lavender with jasmine upfront, then the bittersweet mint comes through on the finish.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Very smooth, but builds resin heavily, so watch yourself on the back end.
Medical or Recreational: Medical
THC percentage: 20.35
Effects: This one put me down for the count. The heaviness of the Animal Mintz had my eyes feeling heavy. I was instantly relaxed after the first couple pulls, and this was huge for me, since I was drinking coffee all day for work.
Overall: This batch of Animal Mintz from B Good is a monster sedation mechanism for any indica lover. I really enjoyed the flavor profile of this batch, and that combined with its smoothness will keep this strain in my late night rotation. I felt energized and full of life after waking up from having Animal Mintz the morning after. If you need something to slow you down quickly, I’d recommend some of this.
Review Music provided by Warren G, Travis Barker & Black Nicc - Lets Get High
Tags for related posts
Brand: #BGood #BGoodFlower
Characteristics: #AnimalMints #HeavySedation #Medical
Genetics/Lineage: #AnimalCookies #GirlScoutCookies #BluePower
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