Strain: Concord Crush # 3
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Hybrid
Genetics: Mai Tai x Sundae Driver
Aroma (in jar and ground up): Mostly getting a faint cheesy aroma from the jar, earthy as well. All of the funkiness comes out upon grinding as you’ll get a manure sensation on the nose.
Taste: Takes a while to get a distinct flavor consistently as it began nondescript, but at times I got a little vanilla yogurt type flavor, some peppery spice, and some floral notes.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Very Smooth
Medical or Recreational: Recreational
THC percentage: 16.5
Effects: Tranquil, relaxed, zoning in and out. A little sedated, but not slumped.
Overall: This cut of Concord Crush # 3 is a quality strain that provides subtle relaxation with a sneaky creeper of a high. I really enjoy the effects of it following work when I’m looking to unwind before cooking dinner or doing some other evening/night time activity. Next time I’d like to try a different phenotype of this strain, as Krystal Leaves is excellent at offering those alternatives. The effects of this pheno were ideal as a relaxing hybrid, I just wish I could catch the flavor more, so I’d like to see how that varies. Great strain overall by Cuban Crew Colorado, but I’d say a little stronger flavor would take this strain into elite status for me personally, so I'll be testing those phenos!
Review Music provided by Jim Jones - Day N Nite Remix. You'll have to YouTube this one!
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Brand: #CubanCrew #CubanCrewFlower
Characteristics: #ConcordCrush #ZonedOut #Relaxation #ModerateSedation #Recreational
Genetics/Lineage: #MaiTai #SundaeDriver