Strain: Cookies & Cream
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Indica Hybrid
Genetics: Starfighter x Unknown Girl Scout Cookie Phenotype
Aroma (in jar and ground up): Moderate sweetness upon opening the container, like vanilla wafers. Upon grinding it up, I got more of a bread-like aroma, less sweet.
Taste: Reminiscent of plain vanilla cake, and sometimes I got a touch of hoppiness and earthiness.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Moderately harsh, you’ll feel it in your chest.
Medical or Recreational: Medical
THC percentage: 26
Effects: Laid back, but not totally slumped. Zoned out, scatterbrain.
Overall: This batch of Cookies & Cream definitely brings the goods when it comes to effects for an indica-hybrid. I tried this in the day once, and then only wanted to smoke it in the evenings, as it gave me a level of sedation I wasn’t comfortable functioning with. This strain also gave me some brain fog, making it difficult to concentrate. I’d reserve smoking this for watching a movie/show or a casual videogame that isn’t too competitive. The flavor was certainly there, I just wish I got a bit more of the sweet vanilla.
Review Music provided by DJ Quik and Kurupt - Cream N Ya Panties - Go Stream that!
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Brand: #Veritas #VeritasFlower
Characteristics: #CookiesAndCream #ZonedOut #Relaxation #Scatterbrain #Medical
Flavors: #BakedGoods #Earthy #Hoppy
Genetics/Lineage: #Starfighter #GirlScoutCookies