Strain: Dark Side of the Moon
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Indica-Leaning Hybrid
Genetics: Green Ribbon x Spirit in the Sky
Aroma (in jar and ground up): Upon opening the package, this strain has a distinct grain alcohol smell to it with earthy undertones, sharp on the nose. After breaking it down and grinding it, more of a funky herbal aroma comes to light.
Taste: Earthy with natural wheat grains, and a subtle sweetness at times.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Rather harsh
Medical or Recreational: Medical
THC percentage: 22.24
Effects: This Dark Side of the Moon from Affinity is a true brain scrambler if you smoke it in the daytime, and straight KO if you smoke some at night. The first time I smoked it during the day, my wife and I had to go grocery shopping. I was in Sprouts aimlessly wandering for groceries I couldn't seem to find, had me all over the place...literally one of the least efficient shopping trips.
Overall: When I first got this batch of Dark Side of the Moon from Affinity, the buds looked marvelous, but I wasn’t completely sold on the smell. Over time, as I got to interact with the strain, I became increasingly fond of the unique natural alcohol-like graininess this strain possesses. The high is something you need to be prepared for in the daytime, but this strain is the ideal nightcap after a long day needing rest. This can definitely make my late night rotation.
Review Music provided by Curren$y and Killa Kyleon and Big Krit - Moon Stars Remix, go stream that!
Tags for related posts
Brand: #Affinity #AffinityFlower
Characteristics: #DarkSideOfTheMoon #ScatterBrain #HeavySedation #Medical
Genetics/Lineage: #GreenRibbon #SpiritInTheSky