Strain: Garlic Banger
How it’s marketed: Hybrid
Genetics: Headbanger x Han Solo Burger (HSB)
Aroma (in jar and ground up): From the jar it’s exactly as advertised - garlicky and pungent. That trait accentuates upon grinding.
Taste: Classic GMO (garlic mushroom onion) profile. Gassy as well.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Moderate
Medical or Recreational: Recreational
THC percentage: 22
Effects: Hit me slightly on the heavier side with moderate sedation. Still functional but relaxed and laid back with a light body high. A bit scatterbrained.
Overall: The first time I tried garlic banger was in the form of live rosin. As a concentrate, the aroma smacked my nose, and thankfully, the flower did the same thing. While consuming it’s easy to expect heavier sedation given the lineage and flavor profile, but this cut was actually a bit more balanced, making it a solid option for early or late occasions. Primarily, I preferred it for leisurely outdoor activities, and would put it in the rotation for those purposes. I’m hopeful to see more Garlic Banger releases from Greendot in the future.
Review Music provided by AlfaMega Ft. T.I. and Busta Rhymes - Head Banger
Tags for related posts
Brand: #GreendotLabs #GreendotLabsFlower
Characteristics: #GarlicBanger #ModerateSedation #Relaxation #BodyHigh #Recreational
Genetics/Lineage: #Headbanger #HanSoloBurger