Strain: Garlic Crasher
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Indica-Leaning Hybrid
Genetics: Sherb Crasher x GMO
Aroma (in jar and ground up): From the jar it smells a little more earthy and piney. Upon breaking up and grinding it gains a subtle gas scent along with some cane sugar aroma.
Taste: Mostly floral with a subtle sweetness and earthiness
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Very smooth
Medical or Recreational: Medical
THC percentage: 28.44
Effects: Relaxed, focused, humorous
Overall: Bloom County provides a great option for subtle relaxation in the afternoons and evenings in the form of Garlic Crasher. I loved how this strain was able to take the edge off, especially with everything going on right now, but still allows me to be productive if need be. These attributes make this strain an effective option for afternoon use during my work shifts, and right after work when I’m winding down. I’ll be back at B Good to keep this in the rotation for sure.
Review Music provided by Kid Ink - Keep It Rollin’ - Go stream that!
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Brand: #BloomCounty #BloomCountyFlower
Characteristics: #GarlicCrasher #HeavySedation #Relaxation #BodyHigh #Recreational
Genetics/Lineage: #AnimalMints #BubbaKush