Strain: Hell’s Peaches # 10
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Hybrid
Genetics: Hell’s Angel OG x Peach Oz
Aroma (in jar and ground up): Subtle sweetness from the bag, and I did get a faint peach aroma upon breaking up and grinding.
Taste: It was very hard to draw flavor from this particular pheno of Hell’s Peaches. At times I got a smokey-vanilla like sweetness, but largely non-descript in my experience.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Moderate Harshness
Medical or Recreational: Recreational
THC percentage: 19.41
Effects: Mild relaxation, laid-back, even-keeled.
Overall: I really wanted to love this batch of Hell’s Peaches, and honestly thought I would. It had everything going for it in my pre-purchase expectations; genetics with sweet/fruity flavor, along with an OG cross for my desired effects, but I’m afraid it didn’t meet my lofty expectations. This strain was exclusively available during an exotic drop at Colorado Harvest Company, and at the Yale location where I shopped, there were 2 phenotypes available, number 10 and number 5. The budtender told me number 10 had a much more peachy flavor, and I almost wonder if he maybe got that flipped, because the peach flavor was lacking on this pheno in my estimation. The effects were solid, but I’d likely go with another OG cross first if it came down to it. I can tell a lot of effort was put into this strain, so I’d like to try some of the other phenotypes and reflect on the differences, but number 10 just wasn’t for me.
Review Music provided by Dizzy Wright - I Love Weed - Go stream that!
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Characteristics: #HellsPeaches #EvenKeeled #Recreational
Genetics/Lineage: #HellsAngelOG #PeachOZ