Strain: Ice Cream Cake
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Indica-Hybrid
Genetics: Gelato 33 x Wedding Cake
Aroma (in jar and ground up): From the bag it immediately gives off a gassy/diesel aroma with a touch of garlic, but there’s a faint underlying sweetness as well. Upon grinding, that garlic moves to the forefront.
Taste: First thing I noticed was the smoke was giving me a tonic water sensation the way it hit my palate, but the flavors were also robust, as it gave me some fruitiness from the gelato and just a touch of the traditional vanilla flavor associated with wedding cake.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Very smooth
Medical or Recreational: Recreational
THC percentage: 20.87
Effects: Zoned out daze, calm and relaxed, humorous. Had a wake and bake with this cut and needed to retire after a few hits, or else I would have been completely slumped. When I had this late at night, I was out about 30 minutes later.
Overall: While in Oklahoma last month, I was blessed to try a large variety of strains and grow teams due to my cousin’s 30th birthday, and his stockpile of goods leading up to it. There were so many great cuts I wish I could have had myself to show to you guys, but I am glad I at least got to snag this one before leaving. Red Billy Distribution produced a high quality version of Ice Cream Cake in comparison to some of the versions I’ve had in Colorado. If this version was available here, I’d be a regular consumer. The biggest thing that struck me about this cut was the way it smoked, super smooth yet potent, and woke the tongue up with crisp refreshment.
Red Billy’s Website describes their company as “the working man’s cannabis brand”, with an appeal to enjoying the fruits of your labor. I do value a solid digital presence, so I will say Red Billy’s website needs some work (photos of the product, where it’s distributed etc.), but as young as this company is, I imagine they're working on it. On any future trip I take to OKC, I’ll be interested to tap in with Red Billy.
Review Music provided by Lil Wayne - Ice Cream Paint Job Freestyle from the classic mixtape No Ceilings.
Tags for related posts
Brand: #RedBilly #RedBillyFlower
Characteristics: #IceCreamCake #ZonedOut #Relaxation #Comical #HeavySedation #Recreational
Flavors: #Vanilla #Fruity #BakedGoods
Genetics/Lineage: #Gelato #WeddingCake