Strain: Jurassic Wonton
How it’s marketed: Hybrid
Genetics: Mr. Nasty x Grape Cream Pie
Aroma (in jar and ground up): From the jar it smells of fortune cookies with a touch of sugar. Upon grinding it picks up a musty stench.
Taste: Starts on the sweeter side with flares of the grape cream, but as it burns, it favors savory baked goods and herbs.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Moderate
Medical or Recreational: Recreational
THC percentage: 30.30
Effects: Relaxation and mild to moderate sedation. Smoking this late at night, it finished me off after a long day, causing me to fall asleep relatively quickly. During the day, it was a mellow high with some mental stimulation. Easy to zone out and get lost in thought.
Overall: Colorado Harvest Company has acquired talent from some of the top grows in the city over the course of the last couple years. Combine this with a long tradition of consistent in-house practices and genetics, CHC has been a go-to staple for many consumers in the 3 neighborhoods they occupy in Denver and Aurora.
Jurassic Wonton is one of CHC’s signature in-house strains. Mr. Nasty is a cross of GMO and Grease Monkey, so it’s a complete contrast of flavort to the fruity properties of Grape Cream Pie. which is Grape Stomper and Cherry Pie. The contrasting effects add to the robust nature of this cut, and aligns with CHC’s description on their website. The only detail I’d defer away from CHC concerns the cerebral uplift, with the caveat that it’ll take you out if you’re already pretty tired. All in all, Jurassic Wonton would make my occasional rotation for its interesting combo of attributes, and is worth checking out for a unique experience. Great job to the team at Colorado Harvest Company.
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Characteristics: #JurassicWonton #Relaxation #ModerateSedation #ZonedOut #Recreational
Flavors: #Sweet #Herbal #BakedGoods
Genetics/Lineage: #MrNasty #GrapeCreamPie