Strain: Mamba 24
How it’s marketed: Indica
Genetics: Unreleased
Aroma (in jar and ground up): Smells floral from the jar, like lavender and jasmine. Upon grinding, a brighter dill or mustard seed aroma emerges in conjunction with more pronounced sweetness.
Taste: Earthy and herbal with a touch of diesel influence. Sweet hints at times.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Moderately harsh
Medical or Recreational: Recreational
THC percentage: 36.11
Effects: Slow creeper, usually took about 10-15 minutes to set in. Once it set in, it became difficult to concentrate. Easy to zone in and out of different contexts. Moderate sedation throughout, while failing to gather my thoughts quickly or efficiently. Very easy to overdo it due to the delayed effects.
Overall: Los Angeles Traditional made a strong impression during my trip to California. Their cut of Black Diamonds was among the best smoking experiences I had in all of 2023. With that being said, the Mamba 24 didn’t disappoint, but it also didn’t blow me away. Everything I tried in California successfully sedated me, so I was a bit spoiled in the selections I chose, and may be splitting hairs, but this cut of Mamba 24 just didn’t check as many boxes.
The effects were robust once they set in, but the delays I experienced made it tough to gauge. Usually if something hits on the heavier side, I tend to feel it quicker, and am inclined to put a joint down after a few hits. In this case, I couldn’t feel much early on, then wish I’d have taken it easier after I’m ridiculously high for hours. My only other critique centers around the flavor, as I wish it more defined or directional towards the diesel-like or sweet influences.
The Mamba 24 was a worthy pickup in my experience, but of everything I picked up in California this trip, still the least likely I’d repurchase. It would be exceptional at a slightly lower price in comparison to the other selections I made in California. On one other note, Los Angeles Traditional featured an exceptional website from a design perspective, but if they included more useful information about their strain selections, it would take the brand to a different level. All in all, I’m definitely keeping the company Los Angeles Traditional in my rotation, just maybe not the Mamba 24 specifically. Rest in Peace Kobe Bryant.
Review Music provided by Fabolous - Paperman (this playa is good at home, like Kobe at Staples man! - go stream that!)
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Characteristics: #Mamba24 #Creeper #Scatterbrain #ZonedOut #ModerateSedation #Recreational
Genetics/Lineage: Unreleased