Strain: Mr. Nasty
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Hybrid
Genetics: Grease Monkey x GMO
Aroma (in jar and ground up): From the container, it smells rubbery/greasy with faint pine, touch of diesel. Largely remains the same upon grinding.
Taste: The grease monkey genetics show up heavily in the flavor profile, as it has that classic tire/rubber flavor, but there’s touches of sweet pine and diesel throughout.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Moderate, enough to flex the lungs with a little coughing.
Medical or Recreational: Recreational
THC percentage: 29-35
Effects: The strain’s name definitely comes from its effects. This cut made me want to lay down or chill out every single time I consumed it. This is one of those highs where you want to clear the schedule and not be responsible for anything. Brain fog, sedation, full-bodied experience.
Overall: Getting familiar with Antero Sciences and some of their genetic library, I’ve come to expect a high quality, unique experience, as they’ve consistently impressed me recently. Of all the strains I’ve tried from them of late, this batch of Mr. Nasty might be my favorite. This is a prime experience for anyone who wants to be quickly knocked on their behind and disconnected from serious thought. The GMO in this cross doesn’t seem to let up much with the grease monkey, effects wise. The mostly savory flavor profile makes the occasional sweetness pop, so it feels robust on the palate. Mr. Nasty from Antero Sciences will certainly be in the weekend and night time rotation. Definitely looking to acquire again.
Review Music provided by Bone Thugs N' Harmony - Let Me Smoke With Ya - Go stream that!!!
Tags for related posts
Characteristics: #MrNasty #HeavySedation #Brainlock #BodyHigh #Recreational
Genetics/Lineage: #GreaseMonkey #GMO