Strain: Oatmeal Raisin
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Hybrid
Genetics: Forum Cookies x Grape Pie
Aroma (in jar and ground up): From the bag it has a mostly sweet aroma, and the grape pie sticks out, but the mildly sweet graininess you’d expect from oatmeal also exists at this point. Upon grinding, it develops a pungent savory aroma akin to garlic.
Taste: Largely as advertised, gives off the flavor of a bowl of pure grain oatmeal with only raisins for sweetener. I want to acknowledge that the first batch I ever tried of this strain back in September 2020 tasted closer to an oatmeal raisin cookie, as it was sweeter.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Moderately smooth, intense lung pressure at times.
Medical or Recreational: Medical
THC percentage: 22.06
Effects: Relaxed, mildly focused, zoning in and out. Smoking it at night I felt slightly sedated, but in the day I found it more even-keeled.
Overall: If you’ve visited or lived in Denver, you’ve likely noticed the amount of cannabis shops on Broadway street is astounding. With so many options, it’s hard to know where to invest your time for quality products. As a long time customer at A Cut Above, it took me over a year before I decided to try @The.Herbal.Center just located next door. The moment I tried this Oatmeal Raisin last September, I knew I’d be back again. The accuracy of the taste honestly blew me away. Since that moment, I visited the shop, called, and checked online for new drops of Oatmeal Raisin, and until January, I couldn’t get my hands on a new batch. Shout out @cannabismarketer_ for letting me know it was back in stock. I went the next morning and got myself an ounce, and have been slowly enjoying it over the last month (I put some in my good jar). This strain from @The.Herbal.Center will most certainly remain in my anytime rotation, and I’d highly recommend giving it a try!
Review Music provided by Chevy Woods - Supreme
Tags for related posts
Characteristics: #OatmealRaisin #EvenKeeled #ZonedOut #Conversational #Relaxation #Medical
Flavors: #BakedGoods #Sweet
Genetics/Lineage: #ForumCookies #GrapePie