Strain: Pancakes
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Hybrid
Genetics: London Pound Cake x Kush Mints
Aroma (in jar and ground up): As soon as I ripped this pack of Pancakes open, I could smell the gassy aroma. It was pretty heavy, not quite as loud as the Project 4510 or the Gary Payton, but definitely will catch your attention. After grinding it up, a tinge of sweetness was added.
Taste: This has been one of my favorite tasting strains from the Cookies Colorado collection. I tend to like sweeter strains, and I definitely tasted the sugary flavor the most, with some of that diesel/gas taste in the background. A little reminiscent of carrot cake.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Moderately Harsh, tickle of the lungs.
Medical or Recreational: Recreational
THC percentage: 22.4
Effects: Chill, sociable. Felt really upbeat with this batch of Pancakes. Something nice to roll up when you want to spark a conversation, but keep it insightful, and not unorganized.
Overall: Pancakes from Cookies and Veritas proves to be a unique offering within this collection. If you’re looking for something to spark at a party, and not blow everybody over, or risk causing paranoia, Pancakes is the ideal balanced strain to do just that. It’ll put you in a good mood for the day on the wake and bake too.
Review Music provided by Redman - Pancake & Syrup, go stream that!
Tags for related posts
Characteristics: #Pancakes #Conversational #Uplifting #Recreational
Flavors: #BakedGoods #Gassy #Sweet
Genetics/Lineage: #LondonPoundCake #KushMints