Strain: Petrol Punch
How it’s marketed: Indica Hybrid
Genetics: Violet Fire x Mimosa
Aroma (in jar and ground up): From the jar it smells sweet like candy, and similar to a fresh citrus fruit punch. Aroma gets brighter upon grinding. (Their website also mentions fresh sweet corn for aromas.)
Taste: Fruity and citrus with a touch of molasses. Also has floral notes.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Moderately harsh, it hits the lungs and makes them work.
Medical or Recreational: Medical
THC percentage: 26
Effects: Relaxed with a joyful mood. Alert and upbeat. Inspired to converse.
Overall: My first experience with Kaya Cannabis was a homerun. From the moment I smelled this batch at the dispensary, I had a strong inkling I’d enjoy the flavor profile. Not only did the candy-like sweetness meet my expectations, the effects delivered as well. This is the perfect example of why I've contextualized the indica/sativa/hybrid options into "How it's marketed" - because clearly there would be a disconnect from the expectations of "indica" here. These are mostly dated terms that don't hold the same meaning or weight as they used to.
Kaya Cannabis has been around since 2017, and operates 3 locations across the greater Denver area. All locations offer medical and recreational sales, where their flower is sold, but you can also find their drops at a handful of other dispensaries. Lastly, they have one of the better websites I’ve seen with regards to useful, updated information. I’m very interested to sample other strains from Kaya, and witness how their company continues to maintain its consistency. As for now, I was pleased with this cut of Petrol Punch, and will surely keep it in the rotation as it’s available. Great job by everyone at Kaya.
Review Music provided by Children of the Corn (Big L, Mase, Cam'ron) - Hell Up In Harlem
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Characteristics: #PetrolPunch #Uplifting #Relaxation #Euphoric #Conversational #Medical
Genetics/Lineage: #VioletFire #Mimosa