Strain: Purple Punch
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Indica Dominant Hybrid
Genetics: Larry OG x Granddaddy Purp
Aroma (in jar and ground up): From the container it smells strong of cheese/dairy with a subtle sugary sweetness. Became gassier upon grinding it.
Taste: This particular batch of purple punch didn’t taste as sweet as I expected, but more of a cheese taste, or semi-sweet yogurt. Tinge of sour. Really wish that sweetness was present.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Very smooth
Medical or Recreational: Medical
THC percentage: 16.4
Effects: Don’t feel like being too active, zoned out. Some brain lock and body lock. Definitely leaving this for evening and night time occasions.
Overall: This batch of Purple Punch is certainly an apt indica option for anyone looking for a heavier level of sedation. If you’re looking for something before bed to unwind, this could fit the bill. Previously, I’ve reviewed several strains with purple punch crosses, all of which were very sweet, so I was surprised when I didn’t get that burst of sweetness I was hoping for and expecting. I’ll still be looking to fulfill that itch in the future. When I was in OKC a few weeks back, I got to try a gram of purple punch that really grabbed my attention with it's berry flavor, and helped set the bar for my expectations. I know we can do more Colorado💪🏾
Review Music provided by Rich and Supa Villian (rest in peace) and Almyte - Got Purp!
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Characteristics: #PurplePunch #ZonedOut #Relaxation #ModerateSedation #Brainlock #Medical