How it’s marketed: Hybrid
Aroma (in jar and ground up): Fresh vegetables and fruit from the jar. The fruitiness is sweet to the point of being like candy.
Taste: Bread and dough-like with a fruity flavor reminiscent of black cherry. Nice balance of sweet and savory.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Smooth
Medical or Recreational: Medical
THC percentage: 13.3
Effects: Moderate to heavy sedation, euphoric, easy-going. I felt it set in quickly after a few hits, and it remained consistent with a creeping slow climb. I found it perfect for easing into the later part of the night.
Overall: From what I could find, this cut appears to be bred by Freeborn Selections, or is at least a variation on this seed from 710 Labs. I assume that’s part of the reason the name remained unchanged from the raw genetic makeup. Regardless of origin, 710 Labs version of this strain proved to be a noteworthy experience for its unique aromatics, flavor, and slow rollout of effects. As I alluded to in the effects section, this fits perfectly in my evening and late night rotation, and I found it most helpful when decompressing from a day at work, and transitioning into a quality night of sleep. Eases the mind quickly, and then eases the body as more consumption takes place. Great effort from the team at 710 Labs, I felt this was worth the premium price.
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Brand: #710Labs #710LabsFlower
Characteristics: #ModerateSedation #HeavySedation #Euphoric #CareFree #Creeper #Recreational
Flavors: #BakedGoods #Sweet #Savory
Genetics/Lineage: #PurpleSnowBubba #Gelato #CherryLimeade