Strain: Rainbow Cookies
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Hybrid
Genetics: Animal Cookies x Sunset Sherbert
Aroma (in jar and ground up): Smells like a subtly sweet hand cream from the container (Floral and fruity essence). Upon grinding it largely remains the same.
Taste: Floral, baked goods
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Smooth
Medical or Recreational: Recreational
THC percentage: 25.5
Effects: Balanced, even-keeled, ease of mind, relaxing. Notably, I remember consuming Rainbow Cookies before my holiday flight, and it made me feel much more easy going and unaware of all the chaos.
Overall: Rainbow Cookies proved to be a quality output from Cherry after smoking it over the course of a couple weeks. It delivered on all of the advertised qualities with regard to anticipated flavor, and the effects were in line with expectations.
I'd love to see Cherry to continue updating their website with new strain information for their offerings, as they didn't have this one listed as of this review. With that being said, I've always had great success in communicating with Cherry directly for strain-specific information, so salute to the dedicated digital team.
All in all, I'd certainly add this cut of Rainbow Cookies from Cherry into the rotation for my anxiety-reducing needs, or for a calming smoke that doesn't leave me slumped. Nice effort by the team at Cherry.
Clothing provided by 90 Something LLC
Review Music provided by Talib Kweli and Hi-Tek (Reflection Eternal) - Lifting Off, go support that!!
Tags for related posts
Brand: #CherryBrand #CherryBrandFlower
Characteristics: #RainbowCookies #EvenKeeled #Relaxation #Carefree #Recreational
Flavors: #Floral #BakedGoods
Genetics/Lineage: #AnimalCookies #SunsetSherbert