Strain: Reno & Back
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Hybrid
Genetics: Green Crack x Tahoe OG
Aroma (in jar and ground up): Once I tore this can open, a gassy mustiness hit my nose. Very pungent, but also sweet and dill undertones. Grinding it up, the dill shines more.
Taste: I really tasted both crosses in this strain. The candy-like sweetness from the green crack and the gassiness from the tahoe OG.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Very smooth
Medical or Recreational: Recreational
THC percentage: 23.04
Effects: Euphoric, comical, balanced. More mellow and relaxed toward the latter part of an hour.
Overall: This strain was a pretty wild experience for me. I started out feeling more energetic and lively, but quickly turned to more laid back and slumped. The smell and taste were both exceedingly great for my liking, as they both provide potent flavor and a full profile to suit a variety of interests. This strain is seriously named appropriately. I’d recommend this strain for a dinner and movie type night. Be talkative for dinner, then more sedated for the movie.
Review Music provided by Bow Wow - Come Smoke With Me Part 2.
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Brand: #14erBoulder #14erBoulderFlower
Characteristics: #RenoAndBack #Euphoric #Comical #EvenKeeled #Recreational
Genetics/Lineage: #GreenCrack #TahoeOG