Strain: Slurricane
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Indica-Leaning Hybrid
Genetics: Dosidos x Purple Punch
Aroma (in jar and ground up): Funky and gassy from the bag, very loud upon opening. The sweetness comes out more after grinding.
Taste: Salt-water taffy like sweetness mixed with pungent skunkiness.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Medium harshness
Medical or Recreational: Medical
THC percentage: 21.77
Effects: Smoked this on several occasions, and each experience had unique circumstances, but every time I felt relaxed, laid back, and mildly sedated. First occasion, when I smoked it late at night, I fell asleep with the joint in my hand, so it can take you out if you’re already tired, or keep you mellow in the middle of the day.
Overall: I’m very happy with this batch of Slurricane from Veritas. It delivered everything I could want from a moderate indica strain. Loved the flavor, and the effects were ideal for an after-work delight or late evening occasion. This will definitely make the rotation for my subtle relaxation needs.
Review Music provided byBun B, Gucci Mane, Devin the Dude - Kush is my Cologne - Go stream that!
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Brand: #Veritas #VeritasFlower
Characteristics: #Slurricane #Relaxation #ModerateSedation #Medical
Genetics/Lineage: #Dosidos #PurplePunch