Strain: Space Cake
How it’s marketed: Indica
Genetics: Girl Scout Cookies x Snow Lotus
Aroma (in jar and ground up): Classic girl scout cookie aroma from the jar, like sweet cake. Upon grinding, sweetness intensifies, like adding the frosting to the cake.
Taste: The girl scout cookie influence continues in this department with a flavor reminiscent of vanilla cake. Some of the Snow Lotus emerges as well with momentary flavors of ammonia/grain alcohol. The occasional counterbalance helps accentuate the sweetness.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Smooth
Medical or Recreational: Recreational
THC percentage: 29
Effects: The strain name was especially apt with regards to the effects. Found it difficult to concentrate during daytime smokes. I made the mistake of smoking this before a work meeting one day, and was zapped for ideas, truly “spacing out”. Along with numbing the mind, it provides a wave of relaxation and moderate sedation over the body.
Overall: When writing this review, I couldn't help but think I’m blessed to have a network that consistently puts me in contact with some of the best cannabis cultivators around the country. Since 2020, I’ve formed a relationship with local Colorado breeder, Volta Fiore, and in 2023, I was introduced to the owner of the Volta Fiore chapter in Humboldt County, California. Through that relationship, I got connected with True Mom and Pop, a small-batch grower that also resides in Humboldt County. After trying their cut of Space Cake, it’s obvious why True Mom and Pop continues to establish a presence in the Emerald Triangle.
Getting into strain details, it didn't take much to feel strong, potent effects. It’s one of those cuts I had to plan to smoke, and I appreciated making it an appointment-level experience. The flavors were well balanced throughout, and matched expectations based on the lineage. According to the company’s Instagram, they use all organic ingredients and are sun grown. The smoke certainly felt clean and ultra smooth. For all of these reasons, I’d jump at the opportunity to add this cut of Space Cake back into the rotation if it ever crosses my path again.
I’m hopeful to try more strains from True Mom and Pop again in the future. They recently received a silver medal in the California State Fair Cannabis Awards for their cut of Potty Mouth, in which theirs contained the 2nd most terpenes in the competition. The only thing I’d love to see improve from True Mom and Pop is their digital presence. As of now, they’re exclusively on Instagram which can be harsh on the cannabis community. Admittedly, the if-you-know-you-know atmosphere is on-brand for this company, but a little extra exposure for contact methods would go a long way. All in all, I loved everything about this company’s product and what they stand for.
Review Music provided by Crucial Conflict & Bootsy Collins - Welcome 2 My World - Stream that!
Tags for related posts
Characteristics: #SpaceCake #Relaxation #ModerateSedation #ZonedOut #BodyHigh #Recreational
Flavors: #BakedGoods #Vanilla #Earthy
Genetics/Lineage: #GirlScoutCookies #SnowLotus