Strain: The Sauce
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Sativa-Leaning Hybrid
Genetics: GG4 x Green Ribbon
Aroma (in jar and ground up): Earthy with hints of chocolate out of the bag. Becomes louder upon grinding as a mustiness protrudes.
Taste: Reminds me of lemon grass and pine for the most part.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Very Smooth
Medical or Recreational: Medical
THC percentage: 26.53
Effects: Upbeat, extremely scattered, increased sense of humor.
Overall: This batch of “The Sauce” from @TrustVeritas was a solid effort overall and had a uniquely favorable taste, but I don’t think it’s for me. After smoking The Sauce it became difficult to relax and concentrate, and my mind was bordering on being racy. I consider myself a versatile smoker, but strains with traces of Afghan genetics tend to be my kryptonite. Green Ribbon, one of the crosses in this strain, contains the Afghan in this case. This strain won’t be in my regular rotation, but I’d be interested in knowing how this strain affects others, as I do think it has redeeming qualities. You like it, does it hit you just right?
Review Music provided by Triippy Clan - Mary Jane - Go stream that!!!
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Brand: #Veritas #VeritasFlower
Characteristics: #TheSauce #Uplifting #Scatterbrain #Comical #Medical
Genetics/Lineage: #GorillaGlue4 #GreenRibbon