Strain: Tropical Kool-Aid
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Sativa-Dominant Hybrid
Genetics: Tropical Cookies x Kool-Aid
Aroma (in jar and ground up): From the container you’ll get a major blast of citrus accented with a sweet fruit punch like aroma. Upon grinding the fruity-tinted citrus remains sharp.
Taste: Lots of sugary citrus flavor like a sweet tangerine, but it has a touch of sour fruitiness like you’d find in a strong batch of kool-aid. Tastes very much as advertised.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Mostly Smooth
Medical or Recreational: Recreational
THC percentage: 23
Effects: Upbeat, recovery, helped me wake up from a Thanksgiving hangover the next morning. Definitely provides a relaxed, yet uplifting sense of energy.
Overall: Indico killed it with this cut of Tropical Kool-Aid, and fulfilled the hype I had in my inbox to try it. It was essentially my first experience with Indico in any capacity, and this introduction made a strong impression. The smell and flavor was loudly pronounced throughout, and positively met all of my possible expectations for a strain boasting this name. The effects came in a time in which they were much needed for my experience, as I’ve largely been dealing with heavier, more sedative strains, so this was a great change of pace to stay alert and productive. I’ll definitely include some of Indico’s Tropical Kool-Aid in the daytime/working rotation, and also look forward to my next experience with their products.
Review Music provided by Ku-Laid Thee Entertainer - Spanglish , Go stream that!!!
Tags for related posts
Brand: #Indico #IndicoFlower
Characteristics: #TropicalKoolaid #Uplifting #Relaxation #Productive #Recreational
Genetics/Lineage: #TropicalCookies #Koolaid