Strain: Velvet Ropes
Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Indica Hybrid
Genetics: Sacagawea 6 x Blueberry F4
Aroma (in jar and ground up): From the jar, it smells like fruity candy, think of a box of “Fruit Snacks” or “LifeSavers Gummies”. After grinding it up, skunkiness becomes much more pronounced.
Taste: Reminds me of hibiscus and lavender with added berry-like sweetness at times. Extremely robust flavor profile.
How it Smokes (smooth, harsh etc.): Mostly Smooth
Medical or Recreational: Medical (Oklahoma)
THC percentage: 21.1
Effects: Relaxed, mildly sedated, zoning in and out frequently, heavy behind the eyes. Do not smoke this before needing to have a long conversation.
Overall: Oklahoma City is on a major come up in the world of cannabis. As mentioned before, my dad grew up in OKC, and he insisted that Oklahoma had some talented growers around when he was growing up. The fact is, they still do. This batch of Velvet Ropes from OC Goldleaf really impressed me. The flavor is among the best I’ve had this year, as the heavy floral tones padded by berry-like sweetness create an incredible combination on the palette. The shop itself had solid pricing, and what really took the experience over the top was the budtender giving me a single nug that weighed a half gram more than the quarter I purchased, so I was compensated for the massive stem. This strain would certainly make my regular rotation if I could find a cut like this in Colorado. I’ll be checking in with this spot on my return trips to OKC.
Review Music provided by Privaledge - Kush From California, go stream that!
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Brand: #OCGoldLeaf #OCGoldLeafFlower
Characteristics: #VelvetRopes #ModerateSedation #Relaxation #ZonedOut #Medical
Genetics/Lineage: #Sacagawea #Blueberry